Tribute to an Afro Wig

This is our awesome afro wig. It has a long, unique history in our family. It has even been used by a certain person to sneak snacks into the movie theater. :) I'll try to get as many people as I can to wear it, and a picture to go along with it!

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"IT'S GOOD!" : Dad, wearing the wig, after the Patriots scored the winning field goal in Superbowl XXXVI!


Dad, doing his best Jimmi Hendrix impression.hehehe


Garry, not too happy he has to pose for a fro picture.


GG, the original Afroman. He has worn the wig to illegally smuggle Skittles into the movies, worn it to school on Wacky Hair Day, and has even fallen asleep in the fro wig.


GG: I think Gar is really getting annoyed.


AHHH! Why did I include this one?